Stroke care is very complex

Stroke care is very complex. There are two main phases of stroke care. One is in the hospital when the main emphasis is placed on the management of the current stroke and rehabilitation. Secondary emphasis is placed on the detection of the reason for the stroke. Multiple studies are ordered and then the patient is told that those are the risk factors were involved.

Unfortunately, most of this valuable information is lost in the stress of having a stroke. The vast majority of the patient tell me that they do not know (were not told) what caused their stroke.

Benefits of stroke clinic

This is where stroke clinic comes in. A stroke clinic is the place where stroke survivors can go to get all of their stroke-related questions answered. In the stroke clinic, they will be able to meet stroke care specialists and learn what caused the stroke; how it happened; whether or not there was anything that could have been done differently on part of the patient/loved ones etc.

In our clinic we will go over the tests that were already performed, follow up on the tests were are still pending, order additional tests if needed. We also will spend extensive time discussing stroke risk factors that are unique to you, ways to prevent further strokes, not only through medications but also by changing lifestyle and nutrition. (Nutrients 2019 Mar 17;11(3):647)

Obviously, if you have not had a stroke and want to prevent one, a lot of prevention strategies can be initiated now (instead of waiting for more health issues to occur).

If you want to receive clear answers and have a clear strategy of moving forward, contact our clinic.


I am a vascular and neurocritical care neurologist. My goal is to prevent strokes and brain hemorrhages from occuring and recurring by promoting health and addressing risk factors though proper life stile, nutrition and use of supplements and appropriate medications